End Times Book Sale: All books 40% off!

End Times Book Sale
All books 40% off!
Fire Book Sale at Sector 2337: December 10 – 14 from 12-6pm + later during events
“It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of Sector 2337.”
— Fredric Jameson
And yet the end will come. All we might do to better prepare is to arm ourselves with knowledge. Is it true that the end was foretold in art books of yore? Could there yet be some glimmer of life beyond the ruins in small press poetry chapbooks? There is only one way to know for sure—we’ll have to read. In order to hasten these inquiries and to further collectivize our eschatological knowledge, we will offer all of our books at a range of discounts that continue to reduce to 40% discount on the last day, Dec 14.
What’s for sale: Sector 2337 is a niche bookstore specializing in artist made books, small edition art theory publications, contemporary poetry, small press fiction, and used books. Come and discover titles you never realized existed! Everything must go!!!
Fire Book Sale at Sector 2337: December 10 – 14 from 12-6pm + later during events
“It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of Sector 2337.”
— Fredric Jameson
And yet the end will come. All we might do to better prepare is to arm ourselves with knowledge. Is it true that the end was foretold in art books of yore? Could there yet be some glimmer of life beyond the ruins in small press poetry chapbooks? There is only one way to know for sure—we’ll have to read. In order to hasten these inquiries and to further collectivize our eschatological knowledge, we will offer all of our books at a range of discounts that continue to reduce to 40% discount on the last day, Dec 14.
What’s for sale: Sector 2337 is a niche bookstore specializing in artist made books, small edition art theory publications, contemporary poetry, small press fiction, and used books. Come and discover titles you never realized existed! Everything must go!!!